[Télécharger] Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery (Oxford Textbooks in Surgery) de William E. G. Thomas,Malcolm W. R. Reed,Michael G. Wyatt En Ligne
Descargar Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery (Oxford Textbooks in Surgery) de William E. G. Thomas,Malcolm W. R. Reed,Michael G. Wyatt libros ebooks, Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery (Oxford Textbooks in Surgery) Pdf descargar
Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery (Oxford Textbooks in Surgery) de William E. G. Thomas,Malcolm W. R. Reed,Michael G. Wyatt
Descripción - Reseña del editor The Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery provides a solid foundation of the knowledge and basic science needed to hone all of the core surgical skills used in surgical settings. Presented in a clear and accessible way, the Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery addresses the cross-specialty aspects of surgery applicable to all trainees. With an emphasis on practical application and international best practice, it will support you to confidently deliver the highest Biografía del autor Mr William E. G. Thomas is Consultant Surgeon Emeritus and former Clinical Director of Surgery at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust having been appointed in 1986. Mr Thomas have also held the posts of Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in Surgery, University of Sheffield and past Member of Council and Senior Vice President, of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and past Dean of the Academy of Education of the International Society of Surgery. Mr Thomas was a member of the Founding Council of the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management, and Founder and Executive Board Member of the International Collaboration for Essential Surgery (ICES). Mr Malcolm Reed is a Professor of Surgical Oncology and an Honorary Consultant at Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield. He then underwent surgical training in Birmingham, Derby and Bristol before moving to the University of Louisville in the United States to undertake a research MD. He returned to Sheffield and undertook higher surgical training before becoming appointed a Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Surgeon at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in 1992. He was then appointed to the Foundation Chair in Surgical Oncology at the University of Sheffield in 2000. Subsequent roles included Head of Academic Surgery and Head of the University Department of Oncology. He was appointed Dean of Brighton and Sussex Medical School in 2014 and is currently a member of the Medical Schools Council and an external examiner for the final year medical school exams at the University of Leeds. He has previous held external examinerships at UCL, the University of Nottingham and the University of Kuwait. Mr Michael Wyatt is an NHS Consultant with a major interest in treating complex thoracic and abdominal aortic disease, using both open and stent graft technologies. Having qualified from Newcastle University, he trained in surgery in Bristol, Plymouth, Exeter and London. Mr Wyatt presents and publishes widely on all aspects of vascular disease, and was the President of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland (President, 2015-6). His other external responsibilities are as Treasurer of the British Journal of Surgery Society, Clinical Editor of Surgery, Vice Chair of the Ethics Committee, Chair of the General Surgical Training Committee, Vice Chair of the Vascular Surgery Clinical Reference Group and Chairman of the Society of International Vascular Surgeons. He runs a busy tertiary referral vascular practice at the Freeman Hospital, where he receives referrals from all over the country.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery (Oxford Textbooks in Surgery)
- Autor: William E. G. Thomas,Malcolm W. R. Reed,Michael G. Wyatt
- Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnología y medicina,Medicina
- Tamaño del archivo: 16 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
Descargar Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery (Oxford Textbooks in Surgery) de William E. G. Thomas,Malcolm W. R. Reed,Michael G. Wyatt Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery - Hardcover ~ The Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery provides a solid foundation of the knowledge and basic science needed to hone all of the core surgical skills used in surgical settings.Presented in a clear and accessible way, the Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery addresses the cross-specialty aspects of surgery applicable to all trainees.
Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery - William E. G ~ The Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery provides a solid foundation of the knowledge and basic science needed to hone all of the core surgical skills used in surgical settings. Presented in a clear and accessible way, the Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery addresses the cross-specialty aspects of surgery applicable to all trainees.
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