[Télécharger] Electrical Stimulation for Pelvic Floor Disorders de Jacopo Martellucci,Ernest H.J. Weil,K. Matzel Pdf Ebook
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Electrical Stimulation for Pelvic Floor Disorders de Jacopo Martellucci,Ernest H.J. Weil,K. Matzel
Descripción - Reseña del editor This book will enable the reader to gain a sound understanding of contemporary and futuristic evidence-based interventions and assessment procedures for pelvic floor disorders. It gathers the experiences of some of the most important experts on electrical stimulation techniques, offering a multidisciplinary and problem-oriented approach organized according to therapeutic goals. Interventions are recommended that are consistent with theory and display clinical efficacy for specific disorders, including urinary incontinence or retention, fecal incontinence, constipation, pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction and neurological diseases involving the pelvic floor. All of the surgical or rehabilitative techniques requiring electrical stimulation for the treatment of these disorders are explored and essential background information is provided on functional anatomy, neurophysiology and concepts in electrotherapy. This volume will be a very useful tool for urologists, general or colorectal surgeons, gynecologists and anesthesiologists and also physiotherapists and alternative medicine practitioners (a specific chapter focuses on electroacupuncture). It will assist in their clinical practice as they seek to help the very many patients who suffer from any of the wide range of functional pelvic floor disorders. Contraportada This book will enable the reader to gain a sound understanding of contemporary and futuristic evidence-based interventions and assessment procedures for pelvic floor disorders. It gathers the experiences of some of the most important experts on electrical stimulation techniques, offering a multidisciplinary and problem-oriented approach organized according to therapeutic goals. Interventions are recommended that are consistent with theory and display clinical efficacy for specific disorders, including urinary incontinence or retention, fecal incontinence, constipation, pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction, and neurological diseases involving the pelvic floor. All of the surgical or rehabilitative techniques requiring electrical stimulation for the treatment of these disorders are explored, and essential background information is provided on functional anatomy, neurophysiology, and concepts in electrotherapy.This volume will be a very useful tool for urologists, general or colorectal surgeons, gynecologists, and anesthesiologists, and also physiotherapists and alternative medicine practitioners (a specific chapter focuses on electroacupuncture). It will assist in their clinical practice as they seek to help the very many patients who suffer from any of the wide range of functional pelvic floor disorders. Biografía del autor Jacopo Martellucci M.D.– After graduating in medicine with honors and attending internships at the University of Siena (Italy) he performed his residency period in digestive surgery in various Italian and European excellence centres from 2006 to 2010. In 2011 he won a special mention, the Nottola Mario Luzi Price for his works on Sacral neuromodulation. Fellow in General Surgery at the University Hospital of Careggi (Florence, Italy) he is distinguished member of many Italian and European Medical Societies, member of the Editorial board, panelist or reviewer for a number of peer reviewed journals and regularly holds courses and lectures in his areas of research, especially in colorectal surgery.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Electrical Stimulation for Pelvic Floor Disorders
- Autor: Jacopo Martellucci,Ernest H.J. Weil,K. Matzel
- Categoria: Libros,Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores,Medicina y ciencias de la salud
- Tamaño del archivo: 9 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
Gratis Electrical Stimulation for Pelvic Floor Disorders de Jacopo Martellucci,Ernest H.J. Weil,K. Matzel PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
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Electrical Stimulation for Pelvic Floor Disorders ~ Sacral Nerve Modulation for urinary disorders: Over Active Bladder.- 11.Sacral Nerve Modulation for urinary disorders: Urinary Retention.- 12.Sacral Nerve Modulation for Fecal Incontinence.- 13.Sacral Nerve Modulation for Constipation.- 14.Pudendal Nerve Modulation.- 15.Electrical stimulation in sexual dysfunction.- 16.Electrical stimulation for Pelvic Pain.- 17.Pelvic Floor Neuromodulation in .
Electrical stimulation for pelvic floor disorders (eBook ~ Get this from a library! Electrical stimulation for pelvic floor disorders. [Jacopo Martellucci; Ernest H J Weil; Klaus Matzel;] -- "This book will enable the reader to gain a sound understanding of contemporary and futuristic evidence-based interventions and assessment procedures for pelvic floor disorders. It gathers the .
Electrical Stimulation For Pelvic Floor Disorders PDF ~ pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction and neurological diseases involving the pelvic floor. All of the surgical or rehabilitative techniques requiring electrical stimulation for the treatment of these disorders are explored and essential background information is provided on functional anatomy, neurophysiology and concepts in electrotherapy.
Electrical Stimulation for Pelvic Floor Disorders ~ This book will enable the reader to gain a sound understanding of contemporary and futuristic evidence-based interventions and assessment procedures for pelvic floor disorders. It gathers the experiences of some of the most important experts on electrical stimulation techniques, offering a multidisciplinary and problem-oriented approach organized according to therapeutic goals.
Electrical Stimulation for Pelvic Floor Disorders - E. H ~ Foreword by E Weil.- Preface.- 1.Introduction.- 2.Functional anatomy of the pelvic floor.- 3.Neurophysiology and Neurophysiological Evaluation of the Pelvic Floor.- 4.Basic concepts in electricity and electrotherapy.- 5.Acupuncture and Electroacupuncture.- 6.Electrical Stimulation, Biofeedback and other rehabilitative techniques.- 7.Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation.- 8.Tibial Nerve .
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Walker, C., Fisioterapia en obstetricia y uroginecología ~ Page 301 - DR, et al. Pelvic floor electrical stimulation in the treatment of genuine stress incontinence: a multicenter, placebo-controlled trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1995; 173:72-79. Appears in 26 books from 1997-2008
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22769. Fisioteràpia Uroginecològica . Grup 1 - Grado ~ 7. Martellucci, J. electrical stimulation for pelvic floor disorders.Springer: 2014. Altres recursos Se facilitarán artículos científicos y otras fuentes documentales durante el desarrollo de la asignatura.
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