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[Télécharger] Surgical Mentoring: Building Tomorrow's Leaders de John L. Rombeau Pdf Ebook

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Surgical Mentoring: Building Tomorrow's Leaders de John L. Rombeau

Descripción - Críticas From the reviews:“This slim paperback book joins a small but growing body of literature designed to help surgeons be better teachers and role models. It is devoted exclusively to mentorship and the mentor - mentee relationship and is designed to be helpful not only to mentors, but also to young surgeons in need of mentoring. … The book is written for any surgeon (senior or trainee) in a mentor - mentee relationship. … This is an extremely useful book.” (Carol Scott-Conner, Doody’s Review Service, November, 2010)“Written for surgeons in training and practice, this pocket guide outlines the pedagogical clinical and personal benefits of having and being a mentor. Rombeau et al., surgeons at Temple U. Hospital, note the importance of a mentor in the education and growth of a surgeon as they explain daily mentoring practices and evidence-based support; why, when, and how surgical mentoring should be implemented; mentoring qualities and uses with specific groups like women and international medical graduates; and how to develop and choose a one.” (SciTech Book News, December, 2010)“Mentoring is an often-discussed topic for which there are relatively few references. Surgical Mentoring attempts to bridge that gap. … provide needed background and serve as a practical guide for faculty at entry and more senior levels of experience. Although the book is written for general surgeons, it is applicable to all surgical fields. … will be useful to surgical faculty in all specialties as well as medical educators confronting current problems of obtaining adequate surgical training and producing competent surgeons in this changing environment.” (Paul J. Dougherty, Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 305 (4), January, 2011)“This new perspective of the development of surgeons utilizes the perspectives and experiences of experienced surgeons with the development of skills for physicians in training. … From medical school through internship, residency, fellowship and clinical practice, each new generation interacts with the past generation to produce physicians of merit to carry on a worthy tradition. … The presentation is state-of- the-art, comprehensive, understandable, and evidence- based.” (William H. Wehrmacher, Comprehensive Therapy, 2011)“It aims to articulate the importance of mentorship in the education and development of young surgeons. … The book is well structured and easy to read … . Each chapter is well referenced and there is a list of useful websites at the end of the book. On the whole the book does achieve what it sets out to do. … for those who take a keen interest in the theory behind mentorship or indeed educate others, it would provide a very useful resource.” (Thomas Armstrong, Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, May, 2011)“The book is well written and flows easily and, I would argue, should be required reading for all faculty, physicians, department chairs, medical school deans, and university provosts who have the privilege and honor to work with students, residents, fellows, and junior faculty. … Rombeau et al. provides a perspective of surgical mentoring that many of us have forgotten (or ignored) and is a must-read for the surgeon at every stage of his or her career.” (Gordon K. Lee, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, December, 2011)“This is a valuable handbook about an important subject and is rich in content on both mentoring and being mentored. … compiled a one-of-a-kind 166-page manual on ‘Surgical Mentoring,’ which is nicely organized, very readable, and well referenced … . I heartily recommend this valuable and succinct handbook on mentoring. Who knows … following the advice and recommendations from this book may optimize a career, help achieve a better work/home balance, and result in greater career satisfaction!” (Charles M. Balch, Annals of surgery, Vol. 255 (1), January, 2012) Reseña del editor Drs. Rombeau, Goldberg, and Loveland-Jones have written this book on surgical mentoring to fill an obvious need. It is up-to-date, comprehensive, readable, and evidence-based ... Surgery is a small world with many satisfying rewards behind each of the many doors. Good mentorship provides the right keys for the right doors for the young surgeon. Both the mentor and mentee should read this book to better understand the who, what, when, where, and how of surgical mentorship in the modern era. What you learn will likely make a difference in your career. Contraportada From the surgery clerkship, through residency, fellowship and clinical practice, surgeons learn from each other both formally and informally. Each generation follows in the footsteps of the last, while also blazing new trails in the hopes of improving patient care. Surgical Mentoring: Building Tomorrow’s Leaders provides practical guidance for all surgeons, in training and in practice, about the pedagogical, clinical, and personal benefits of having and being a mentor. The authors span the gamut of practice to provide a well-rounded perspective: a practicing and seasoned surgeon with more than 35 years of experience of being mentored and being a mentor; a practicing surgeon who is also an experienced surgical residency director, and a surgical resident in the “clinical trenches” of daily learning and patient care. From the foreword: “Drs. Rombeau, Goldberg, and Loveland-Jones have written this book on surgical mentoring to fill an obvious need. It is up-to-date, comprehensive, readable, and evidence-based … Surgery is a small world with many satisfying rewards behind each of the many doors. Good mentorship provides the right keys for the right doors for the young surgeon. Both the mentor and mentee should read this book to better understand the who, what, when, where, and how of surgical mentorship in the modern era. What you learn will likely make a difference in your career. “ Daniel T. Dempsey, MD Biografía del autor John L. Rombeau, MD Professor of Surgery, Temple University School of Medicine Emeritus Professor of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania A practicing colorectal surgeon, Dr. Rombeau has been mentoring surgical trainees for 35 years. He is a four-time recipient of the Resident-Faculty Teaching Award from the Department of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania and recipient of the W. Emory Burnett Award for Teaching Excellence given by the surgical residents at Temple University. Dr. Rombeau is in Who’s Who Among American Teachers and Educators and Who’s Who in Medicine Higher Education. Amy J. Goldberg, MD Professor of Surgery, Temple University School of Medicine Chief, Division of Trauma/Surgical Critical Care and Surgery Residency Program Director, Temple University Dr. Goldberg has devoted her entire academic career to teaching surgical trainees. She has been the Residency Program Director at Temple University since 2003. Dr. Goldberg is a five-time awardee of the Golden Apple Award for Teaching and three-time recipient of the W. Emory Burnett Award for Teaching Excellence given by the surgical residents at Temple University. Additionally, she has received the prestigious Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching at Temple University. Catherine E. Loveland-Jones, MD Resident in Surgery, Temple University Hospital Research Surgical Fellow, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia Dr. Loveland-Jones’ interests include advances in surgical simulations and information technology. She hopes to pursue a career in surgical oncology and continue her strong interests in surgical education.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Surgical Mentoring: Building Tomorrow's Leaders
  • Autor: John L. Rombeau
  • Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnología y medicina,Medicina
  • Tamaño del archivo: 17 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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