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[Télécharger] Coloproctology: A Practical Guide de John Beynon,Dean Anthony Harris,Mark Davies,Martyn Evans Francais PDF

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Coloproctology: A Practical Guide de John Beynon,Dean Anthony Harris,Mark Davies,Martyn Evans

Descripción - Críticas “This is an easily readable textbook aimed primarily at coloproctology trainees and junior consultants. … It is certainly helpful to trainees preparing for examinations. I enjoyed reading it and it would be of interest to coloproctologists at all levels and also to gastroenterologists.” (Michael J. Hershman, British Journal of Hospital Medicine, Vol. 79 (5), May, 2018) Reseña del editor The topics covered in this book have been specifically chosen to give guidance to surgeons established in practice and those embarking on their careers. Examples include the changing management in the treatment of the catastrophic abdominal wall, perianal Crohn’s disease in the biological era, decision making in rectal cancer that responds to radiotherapy, and the assessment of outcomes in colorectal cancer surgery. Recent years have seen the introduction of technical advances with respect to robotics in colorectal surgery and trans-anal total meso-rectal excision, and which are rapidly becoming established in clinical practice. Chapters also cover those aspects of colorectal practice, which are common to all, and provide guidance on management of topics including complications of radiotherapy, management of pouch dysfunction and iatrogenic complications in pelvic cancer surgery. Contraportada The topics covered in this book have been specifically chosen to give guidance to surgeons established in practice and those embarking on their careers. Examples include the changing management in the treatment of the catastrophic abdominal wall, perianal Crohn’s disease in the biological era, decision making in rectal cancer that responds to radiotherapy, and the assessment of outcomes in colorectal cancer surgery. Recent years have seen the introduction of technical advances with respect to robotics in colorectal surgery and trans-anal total meso-rectal excision, and which are rapidly becoming established in clinical practice. Chapters also cover those aspects of colorectal practice, which are common to all, and provide guidance on management of topics including complications of radiotherapy, management of pouch dysfunction and iatrogenic complications in pelvic cancer surgery. Biografía del autor John Beynon is currently Consultant General & Colorectal Surgeon at Singleton Hospital and honorary professor at Swansea University's School of Medicine. Professor Beynon trained at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical College qualifying in 1980 and subsequently undertook surgical training in Cardiff, Bristol and St Mark’s Hospital London. He is currently Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon in Singleton Hospital Swansea & Honorary Professor Swansea University, School of Medicine. He was awarded his Certificate of Accreditation in General Surgery RCS in 1992 and is an accredited colonoscopist/colonoscopist assessor for Bowel Screening Wales. Professor Beynon is also a former Hunterian Professor of the Royal College of Surgeons of England & recipient of the John of Arderne Medal Royal Society of Medicine.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Coloproctology: A Practical Guide
  • Autor: John Beynon,Dean Anthony Harris,Mark Davies,Martyn Evans
  • Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnología y medicina,Medicina
  • Tamaño del archivo: 17 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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